Af­ford­able NZEB

How to reach af­ford­able NZEB? (in Eng­lish)

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 9:00 am, Kam­mer­mu­siksaal (level 1)


Affordable Nearly Zero Energy Buildings are a corner stone of the transition to a low carbon economy in Europe and the results of the Affordable Zero Energy Buildings (AZEB) project, will be presented to conference attendees. The AZEB program has focussed on the development of new tools and training to speed design processes, which can reduce the cost of building development. 

A number of these newly developed tools will be presented and this will complement the discussion on the step by step AZEB process for realising affordable Zero Energy buildings. The Quality Assurance techniques that have been used on the Heidelberg Bahnstadt project will be presented and, together with the tour of the Bahnstadt itself, provides attendees with a fantastic opportunity to learn from an exemplary project.


Time Top­ic Speak­er
9:00 am To­wards Af­ford­able Zero En­ergy Build­ings: A step by step guide Joyce van den Hoek Os­tende
9:25 am Life-Long-Learn­ing Susanne Winkel
9:50 am

Tools for cost ef­fect­ive win­dows and mould pre­ven­ti­on

Ben­jam­in Krick
  What win­dow is the best choice in terms of life cycle costs for a spe­cif­ic case? A tool will be presen­ted that helps to an­swer this ques­tion by com­par­ing dif­fer­ent win­dows with their in­vest­ment costs and the win­dow-re­lated en­ergy costs over the life cycle.   
10:15 am Les­sons le­ar­ned from qua­li­ty ass­ur­an­ce in Pas­si­ve Hou­se dis­trict Bahn­stadt-Hei­del­berg Ker­stin Stolz

