Af­for­da­ble NZEB

How to re­ach af­ford­ab­le NZEB? (auf Eng­lisch)

Sams­tag, 4. Mai 2019, 9:00 Uhr, Kam­mer­mu­sik­saal (1. OG)


Uhr­zeit Vor­trag Re­fe­rent
9:00 Uhr To­wards Af­for­da­ble Ze­ro Ener­gy Buil­dings: A step by step gui­de Joy­ce van den Hoek Os­ten­de
9:25 Uhr Li­fe-Long-Learn­ing Su­san­ne Win­kel
9:50 Uhr Tools for cost ef­fect­ive win­dows and mould pre­ven­ti­on Ben­ja­min Krick
What win­dow is the best choi­ce in terms of li­fe cy­cle costs for a spe­cif­ic ca­se? A tool will be pre­sen­ted that hel­ps to an­swer this ques­ti­on by com­par­ing dif­fer­ent win­dows with their in­vest­ment costs and the win­dow-re­la­ted en­er­gy costs over the li­fe cy­cle.  
10:15 Uhr

Les­sons le­ar­ned from qua­li­ty ass­uran­ce in Pas­si­ve Hou­se dis­trict Bahn­stadt-Hei­del­berg

Kers­tin Stolz

