Even­ing Events

Pass­ive House Party

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 7:30pm
Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion, Stadthalle Heidel­berg

The in­ter­na­tion­al net­work­ing event of this con­fer­en­ce takes place in the centre of the Pass­ive House ex­hib­i­tion in the heart of the beau­ti­ful Stadthalle. En­joy the cuisine and meet Pass­ive House friends from allover the world!

Fee: € 69,- per per­son in­clud­ing food, drinks and live mu­sic

© Heidelberg Marketing

iPHA Din­ner

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 7:00pm

The In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House As­so­ci­ation would like to in­vite you for an even­ing of net­work­ing at Heidel­berg‘s res­taur­ant "Zum Gülden­en Schaf". This year’s din­ner aims to bring all the re­gions rep­res­en­ted by our af­fil­i­ates, part­ners and mem­bers un­der one roof.

Fee: € 55,- per per­son in­clud­ing buf­fet and drinks
For con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants only, places are lim­ited

Zum Güldenen Schaf, Hauptstraße 115, 69117 Heidelberg




Cul­tur­al Ex­cur­sion - Out in old Heidel­berg

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 7:00 pm

For every­one who wants to change his mind after two days full of Pass­ive House, we of­fer an ex­traordin­ary tour through old Heidel­berg: You will be guided by a cit­izen’s wife (Bür­gersfrau).

The old­est part of Heidel­berg has far more to of­fer than the Alte Brücke (Old Bridge), the pic­tur­esque al­leys and the unique view of the world’s best-known ru­in. A cit­izen’s wife will take you on a tour through the city, talk­ing about the every­day ex­cite­ment in the Old Town and telling an­ec­dotes from her life. Listen to her tales of the high ladies and gen­tle­men, and you may even catch a few juicy stor­ies of the court.

Fee: € 10,- per per­son

For con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants only

The re­gistered par­ti­cipants will be in­formed via e-mail about the meet­ing point.




© Tobias Schwerdt