
How to get to Stadthalle Heidel­berg

The con­fer­en­ce "Achieve Bet­ter Build­ings!" takes place at the beau­ti­ful con­ven­tion cen­ter "Stadthalle Heidel­berg". The con­ven­tion cen­ter is loc­ated in Heidel­berg's Old Town, next to the river Neck­ar and close to sev­er­al ho­tels, the fam­ous Heidel­berg Castle and many oth­er sights. The con­ven­tion cen­ter can be reached eas­ily by pub­lic trans­port.


Kon­gresshaus Stadthalle Heidel­berg
Neck­ar­st­ad­en 24
69117 Heidel­berg


Pub­lic trans­port

Com­ing from the cent­ral sta­tion in Heidel­berg, you reach the con­ven­tion cen­ter with­in 15 minutes by car or taxi (2,5 km).

Take the bus 31, 32 or 35 and leave at "Kon­gresshaus". From there it is just a 2 minutes walk to the convention center.


By car

The mo­tor­ways A5/A6, with in­ter­con­nec­ted high­ways, serve much of the great­er Rhine-Neck­ar met­ro­pol­it­an re­gion. Mo­tor­ways A5/A6, dir­ect mo­tor­way on-ramps and exits from/to Heidel­berg via the A5/A656 (Darm­stadt-Karls­ruhe-Basel).

On en­ter­ing the city, there are already in­dic­a­tions of pos­sib­il­it­ies for park­ing. At the end of the auto­bahn, in Spey­er­er­straße and Schli­erbach­er Land­strasse, there are dir­ec­tion signs for three des­tin­a­tion areas:
- Zen­trum
- Alt­stadt / Schloss
- Stadthalle Kon­gresshaus

The best park­ing pos­sib­il­it­ies for vis­it­ors of the con­ven­tion cen­ter are park­ing gar­ages P6 and P8 in the con­ven­tion cen­ter area.

Heidel­berg has an en­vir­on­ment­al zone, in­to which only vehicles which meet cer­tain emis­sions stand­ar­ds are per­mit­ted to drive. Cars which are used in the Green Zone must be equipped with a stick­er that in­dic­ates their emis­sions group. Since Janu­ary 2012 only vehicles which dis­play a green or yel­low stick­er are per­mit­ted in the en­vir­on­ment­al zones.
Please note that from Janu­ary 2013 even the yel­low stick­er will be no longer per­mit­ted, you need a green stick­er to drive in the en­vir­on­ment­al zones.



Air­ports close to Heidel­berg

Ci­ty Air­port Mann­heim (15 km)
From there, the tram 5 goes to Hei­del­berg.

Frank­furt Air­port (80 km)
Trans­fer: The Air­port Shutt­le Ser­vi­ce TLS goes to Hei­del­berg. The Luft­han­sa Air­port Bus, leaves dir­ec­tly at Ter­mi­nal 1 in front of hall B at Crow­ne Pla­za Ho­tel Hei­del­berg Ci­ty Cen­tre.
Trains are go­ing from the air­port train sta­tion op­pos­ite of Ter­mi­nal 1 via Mann­heim to Hei­del­berg.

Ba­den-Air­park Flug­ha­fen Karls­ru­he/Ba­den-Ba­den (90 km)
Trans­fer: Ba­den-Air­park-Ex­press Shutt­le­bus from cent­ral sta­tion to Hei­del­berg.

Flug­ha­fen Stutt­gart (120 km)
Trans­fer: Take the S-Bahn to Stut­tgart cent­ral sta­tion and take the train (ICE, EC, IC) to Hei­del­berg, jour­ney time is about 50 minutes.

Frank­furt Hahn Air­port (150 km)
Trans­fer: Hahn Ex­press Shutt­le­bus from cent­ral sta­tion to Hei­del­berg.