Terms and Con­di­tions

Terms and con­di­ti­ons


Re­gis­tra­ti­ons must be sub­mit­ted on­li­ne. Re­gis­tra­ti­ons are bin­ding and will be pro­ces­sed in the or­der in which they are re­cei­ved. The num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants is li­mi­ted. Af­ter re­gis­tra­ti­on, you will re­cei­ve an in­voi­ce. The ear­ly boo­king dis­count can on­ly be gran­ted if the re­gis­tra­ti­on is ma­de be­fo­re 7 March 2019 and pay­ment is com­ple­ted by 14 March 2019. On­ly tho­se who ha­ve paid the ap­p­li­ca­ble fees in full will be ad­mit­ted to the con­fe­rence. On­ly can­cel­la­ti­ons in wri­ting will be ac­cep­ted. All can­cel­la­ti­ons af­ter 20 March 2019 will in­cur a €70 pro­ces­sing fee whi­le can­cel­la­ti­ons ma­de as of 1st April 2019 will in­cur a fee equal to 50% of the to­tal re­gis­tra­ti­on fees. The par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee is to be paid in full in the ca­se of no-shows or can­cel­la­ti­ons on, or af­ter 10 April 2019; a sub­sti­tu­te par­ti­ci­pant may, ho­we­ver, be no­mi­na­ted.

The sco­pe of ser­vices in­clu­des: ac­cess to all lec­tu­res and work­shop du­ring the con­fe­rence days, dow­n­load of the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, lunch, cof­fee breaks and si­mul­ta­neous trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish at the ses­si­ons in the gre­at hall (Großer Saal). The or­ga­ni­sers re­ser­ve the right to ma­ke any ne­cessa­ry chan­ges to the pro­gram­me.

Can­cel­la­ti­on, li­mi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty
In the event that the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Con­fe­rence or any part of the fra­me­work pro­gram­me must be can­cel­led, the par­ti­ci­pants will be no­ti­fied im­me­dia­te­ly and any par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fees al­rea­dy paid will be re­im­bur­sed. The lia­bi­li­ty of the or­ga­ni­sers is li­mi­ted to re­im­bur­se­ment of the paid par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee on­ly.


Da­ta sto­ra­ge
In or­der to pro­cess and ad­mi­nis­ter re­gis­tra­ti­ons for the Pas­si­ve Hou­se con­fe­rence and/or its sup­por­ting pro­gram­me, the Pas­si­ve Hou­se In­sti­tu­te will sto­re the per­so­nal da­ta of par­ti­ci­pants en­te­red du­ring the re­gis­tra­ti­on pro­cess. For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on, plea­se read the Privacy Policy.